Enterprise Platform

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The Graylog Enterprise Platform is the nexus for a seamless log management experience — solve your IT, DevOps, Cybersecurity, and compliance challenges today!

Graylog Operations increases visibility into day-to-day operations and allows IT and DevOps professionals to gain meaningful context from volumes of event log data, quickly find errors, and improve key metrics.

Graylog Security gives cybersecurity and compliance professionals the best-of-breed capabilities in SIEM, Security Analytics, and Anomaly Detection to mitigate risk from insider threats and credentials-based attacks.


Enterprise Platform

The Graylog Enterprise Platform is comprised of Graylog Operations and Graylog Security – two solutions that have unique workflows and feature sets to solve targeted use cases.

Graylog 5.2.5

Graylog Server
Linux-x64 with JVM

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The Graylog Forwarder is a standalone agent that sends log data to Graylog Cloud or an on-premise Graylog Server cluster and typically runs as a service to continuously stream data to the destination Graylog cluster.

Forwarder TGZ
Forwarder OS Packages

Getting Started with Graylog

Install on Ubuntu
Install on Centos
Getting Started
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